Semi-precious stones are highly demanded by the greats of the world of design and decoration, to form part of the exclusive works they project, as this semi-precious stone is especially valued for its beauty and properties.
Regarding the composition of the semi-precious stone agate, it belongs to the Chalcedony quartz family and is mainly composed of silica formed by volcanic lava. These semi-precious stones may or may not be composed of water molecules.
After the eruption, the lava turns into droplets called melphire drops, which solidify into a spectacular mass of precious quartz. These stones are made up of several layers, developed in turn by different varieties of quartz, and inclusions of other minerals. This is why agate comes in so many shapes, colours and patterns.
With this stone, many precious objects are currently created, whether for jewellery or for the world of decoration, as it is a material that is not only precious, but also highly valued and recognised worldwide.