Beauty and elegance at your fingertips. You will find the most stunning semi-precious stones that you desire in our company, Mediterranea Stone. We offer you the best semi-precious stones, at very competitive prices.



Within this spectacular range of semiprecious stones, you will find them in a multitude of colours, being the green semiprecious stones, the blue semiprecious stones, the pink and white semiprecious stones, some of the most demanded worldwide. In this sense, we must highlight the agate stones.


Green Agate

Mediterranea Stone is committed to luxury and exclusivity in its natural materials. For this reason, our company incorporates the so demanded and exclusive green agate within the wide stock of natural stones.

This precious green agate stone is all that is needed in terms of materials to cover with luxury, calm and well-being any space where you want to install this precious green stone.


Se caracteriza por su elegante color de fondo blanco translucido y por el color dorado de las vetas de este ónix, que por momentos, simulan cobrar vida. Ideal para decorar los lugares más glamurosos e impactantes.

Blue Agate

Mediterranea Stone is committed to luxury and exclusivity in its natural materials. For this reason, our company incorporates the highly demanded and exclusive blue agate within the wide stock of semi-precious natural stones.

This precious stone is all that is needed in terms of materials to cover with luxury, calm and wellbeing at any space where you want to install this precious blue stone.

Rose Quartz

One type of quartz that is in high demand in the market is the extraordinary rose quartz. This fabulous type of quartz is available for sale in our company Mediterranea Stone, so if you are interested in buying the wonderful quality rose quartz, our company is the right place where you will find the stunning rose quartz


Semi-precious stones are highly demanded by the greats of the world of design and decoration, to form part of the exclusive works they project, as this semi-precious stone is especially valued for its beauty and properties.

Regarding the composition of the semi-precious stone agate, it belongs to the Chalcedony quartz family and is mainly composed of silica formed by volcanic lava. These semi-precious stones may or may not be composed of water molecules.

After the eruption, the lava turns into droplets called melphire drops, which solidify into a spectacular mass of precious quartz. These stones are made up of several layers, developed in turn by different varieties of quartz, and inclusions of other minerals. This is why agate comes in so many shapes, colours and patterns.

With this stone, many precious objects are currently created, whether for jewellery or for the world of decoration, as it is a material that is not only precious, but also highly valued and recognised worldwide.